Pictus Catfish: Care, Breeding, and Where to Buy!

The Pictus Catfish Is hugely popular amongst fish keepers, its animated colors and energetic personality generates delightful characteristics for this species of catfish. These catfish are gorgeously white (silverish) with black dots and huge barbels that reach way down to their caudal fin which highlights its body. 

 While it can be challenging as a novice keeper to keep it healthy, its unique characteristics make the challenge fun and enjoyable.

Pictus Catfish (Pimelodus   Pictus) also known as Angel Cat, is a member of  the Pimalodidae family. It was first labeled by Franz Steindachner in 1876, it was found in the rivers throughout South America. 

Pictus Catfish is the most popular member of the Genus in the hobby and as it is one of the smaller and prettier catfishes , catfish don’t have scales so it is easier for them to get infections or diseases. 

catfish are non-aggressive fish, Pictus Catfish can stubborn species when breeding. In which under suitable conditions, the female will lay eggs that are then fertilized by the male.

Minimum tank size 55 gallon tanks 
Tank set-upFreshwater, driftwood and caves 
familyPimelodidae family 
temperamentVery Peaceful 
Care levelIs Easy to care for  
scientific namePimelodus   Pictus 
lifespanThe live 4-8 years 
sizeThey grow up to 5 inches 
dietThey are Omnivore 


Take care when purchasing a Pictus Catfish! When first imported they can be in pretty bad shape usually suffering from a combination of malnutrition and need of oxygen. It’s a scaleless fish and therefore is very susceptible to certain diseases such as white spot.

Catching a catfish​

A Pictus Catfish pectoral and dorsal fin can get caught in the aquarium net!

When grabbing a catfish you could get a painful wound if you are pricked by its fins. The sensation is similar to when you get stung by a bee or a wasp, swelling and nasty throbbing sensation causes some discomfort.

Telling the difference between a male and a female Pictus Catfish​

It is difficult to tell which catfish is a male and a female, you can tell once they have matured and start breeding. That is the most common way of knowing.

The females are slightly larger than the males, not such as any other species of catfish.

Pictus Catfish appearance​

This species of  catfish’s white, long and slender body is covered with black spots and many transparent fins and white barbels. Pictus Catfish are well known for their whiskers ( white barbels) which help them  navigate in muddy water.

These catfish have sharp spines and fins which they can use for protection against other fish. They also have forked tails and a large downturned mouth like other species of catfish.

Pictus Catfish habitat and tank requirements​

As mentioned before catfish originated from rivers in South America, they need: sand, mud, river rocks, and current to  hide under or behind.

Habitat of a Pictus Catfish​

Pictus Catfish need to have an environment with a sandy substrate, you need to  emulate the flow of river water, so that they feel more comfortable,  I would recommend the use of a hang-on back filter to recreate the necessary conditions for a proper environment. Pictus Catfish are extremely sensitive to nitrate so make sure that nothing  you are putting in the tank has nitrate.

 Plants and ornaments are needed also hiding places such as river rocks, caves and driftwood large areas to swim, essential to its fabricated environment. Hornwort and Java moss are also decorations that can be used in the tank.

Tank conditions for a Pictus Catfish​

In a 150 gallon tank, 3-4 Pictus Catfish. Meaning that you would need a 55 gal. tank to fit one catfish and have enough room for it to feel comfortable.

Water parameters 

The catfish’s tank has to be 75-81 °F for it to feel comfortable enough, the pH has to be 

 7.0 -7.5 to be a healthy environment.

Breeding Pictus Catfish​

Breeding catfish is exceptionally hard if you do not have a big enough tank, Pictus Catfish have to reach sexual maturity. And for that to happen, they need a big enough tank, the tank should at least be 200 gallons for your Pictus Catfish to breed, if there is a smaller tank your Pictus Catfish will not breed.

Pictus Catfish diet and feeding​

Pictus Catfish are scavengers, they will eat anything that is  in their way and any food you put in the tank. 

These catfish are omnivores meaning they eat meat and plants.

 Some foods they eat in rivers are dragonfly larvae, snails, small fish and algae,  it is recommended to give them sinking pellets and you can also give them frozen food such as; frozen Brine shrimp, frozen beef heart, bloodworms, and blackworms.

What are spotted Pictus Catfish?​

The spotted Pictus Catfish are the same as a regular Pictus Catfish, just a different name.

Can Pictus Catfish live with shrimp?​

A Pictus Catfish cannot live with shrimp since they are too small there is a high chance that they will eat them. As mentioned before, Pictus Catfish tend to eat smaller creatures and are omnivores. As frozen food they eat Brine shrimp.

Pictus Catfish compatibility with other fish​

 Pictus Catfish will eat smaller fish if they are hungry.

They are known for being active fish, avoid adding slow swimmers in the tank!

  Good tankmates for Pictus Catfish that you can include that are strong, energetic species of fish such as:

Giant Danios

Opaline Gourami

Other catfish such as striped raphael catfish.

Keeping Pictus Catfish together​

It is not any problem to keep Pictus Catfish in one tank just make sure that there is enough space for them to move. Many people who keep Pictus Catfish together keep them in shoals.

Is the Pictus Catfish the right aquarium pet for you?​

The Pictus Catfish is a very non-aggressive creature, but, if you have pricked, overall the Pictus Catfish is a beautiful catfish to have. These catfish eat almost anything in their way! These catfish don’t clean tanks, you need a big enough tank for large amounts of  Pictus Catfish. Pictus Catfish can be expensive, Pictus Catfish cannot be used as bait for fishers… 

Pictus Catfish can get along perfectly with each other,  Pictus Catfish don’t have any scales so it is easier for them to get infections and diseases. Make sure to watch out for your catfish’s health!

Pictus Catfish for sale​

U.S. https://theifishstore.com.  Size: Up to 5 … Origin / Habitat: South America, Amazon and Orinoco River basins. $9.99

The UK. https://www.aquaticstoyourdoor.co.uk/  Origin / Habitat: South America, Amazon and Orinoco River basins £11.95

  1. https://www.petwave.com.au Origin / Habitat: South America, Amazon and Orinoco River basins

Java moss for sale

International. https://encrypted.com